The Family Land Heritage Program, ANNUALLY, presents these awards to Texas Farm Families who have continually operated the same land for 100 or 150 or 200 years.
This above mentioned farm joins fm41 and we always called this piece of land the MEYER FARM. There are other tracts of land that were purchased during this time period which will qualify for the 100 year designation by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Some of these we call; Joseph Bednarz farm, Kahlich farm (south of Bednarz), Rudolph Bednarz, Ray Kitten, Frank Kitten, August Kitten, Bill Kitten, Clem Kitten, Henry Holliden, Herman Schilling, Kelly Kitten, Wade Wimmer —- just to name a few.
For information on how to apply, just call Jerry @ 806-773-2262.